Viv Artificial Grass

Tips and Advice about Artificial Grass


Understanding the Polyurethane Foam Creation Process

Written by: The Foam Factory Summary: Polyurethane Foam is put through a rigorous process to ensure it’s shape and quality. Foam is essentially everywhere in your home, from your couch to your bed. The construction of this comes from a mixture of chemicals and processing that allow it to take on the form of a… Read More

Xeriscaping: Drought-Friendly Landscaping

Written by: California Mailboxes Xeriscaping is a relatively new word used to describe drought-friendly landscaping which began during the 1980’s. Xeriscaping centers on water conservation, encouraging adherents to grow drought-friendly, indigenous plant-life. By removing plants in your garden that are better suited to a different climate you can drastically reduce your water consumption while still… Read More